Be in the Know
MPTC is closed for the winter and will re-open some time in April, depending on weather and snow. Check back on the website at the beginning of March as we will be updating information for this season over the coming months.
We hope to see you on the baseline at MPTC this season.
MPTC Wins the 4.0 Interclub Championship!
We are proud to announce that the 4.0 Interclub team brought home the 2024 Championship title! Apart from one week, our team held the lead the entire season.
Congratulations to everyone on the team for their well fought battles!
Playing with Guests
You are more than welcome to bring guests to play at MPTC but please ensure that your guests register using the Guest Registration Form and pay the $10 guest drop-in fee. The fee can be paid at the clubhouse if a custodian is on hand. If no custodian is present then your guest (or you) must pay the drop in fee via e-transfer.
There is a guest poster on each gate and on the bulletin board with the link to the registration form and payment information. MPTC is not a public court. MPTC fees for memberships and guests are extremely reasonable. We thank you for helping to ensure quest fees are collected.
Should your guest not be able to pay the fees you can pay for them OR there are two public courts located within a five minute drive from MPTC. Public courts are located next to Crescent Heights High School and next to the Boys and Girls Club.